ELEPHANTS | Exclusive Elephant
John Vermilya // July 2, 2017 The Elephant this week is the Exclusive Elephant. How come Jesus is the only way, and what does that mean for those who don’t believe? Pastor John answers those questions and more in this weekends message.
Read MoreELEPHANTS | Sad and Lonely
Tim Burgess // June 25, 2017 We kick off a brand new series called “Elephants”. In this message, Pastor Tim explores the elephant in the room of loneliness and sadness and how we can address it, and furthermore, how we can address those who are.
Read MoreWORSHIP | Romans 12 Living in Harmony
John Vermilya // June 18, 2017 In this closing message of the Romans: Worship series, Pastor John discusses the importance of living in harmony, and gives clear example through the scriptures of what it looks like. It’s a challenge, but worth the effort to live in harmony.
Read MoreWORSHIP | Romans 12 Gifts
Tim Burgess // June 4, 2017 In our continuation of Worship: Romans 12, Pastor Tim shares with us that we all have a gift that we’ve been given, and encourages us to use those gifts for the Church.
Read MoreWORSHIP | Romans 12 We Belong to God
John Vermilya // May 28, 2017 Pastor John continues our series in Romans Worship. The bad news is we cannot change, the good news is Jesus can change us. Find out how as we dive in to Romans 12:1-2.
Read MoreWORSHIP | Romans 12 week 2
John Vermilya // May 21, 2017 Pastor John continues our series in Romans Worship. The bad news is we cannot change, the good news is Jesus can change us. Find out how as we dive in to Romans 12:1-2.
Read MoreWORSHIP | Romans 12 Living Sacrifice
Tim Burgess // May 14, 2017 We kick off a new series in our continuation of studying through the book of Romans. Pastor John shares with us on what it means to be “living sacrifices” to God.
John Vermilya // May 7, 2017 A standalone message, Jesus was about compassion, and showing compassion for those around Him. In this message we highlight ministries we partner with who make a difference not only locally, but around the globe.
Read MorePERSONAL JESUS | Empowered by Jesus
John Vermilya // April 30, 2017 Pastor John concludes our Personal Jesus series with the final message, Empowered By Jesus. The same power that raised Him from the dead is the same power that lives within those who have Christ.
Read MorePERSONAL JESUS | Taught by Jesus
John Vermilya // April 23, 2017 Pastor John continues our Personal Jesus with Taught By Jesus. We are all continually being taught by Jesus on a daily basis if we have allow Him to work in us.
Read MorePERSONAL JESUS | Easter
John Vermilya // April 16, 2017 In our Easter Message, Pastor John shares that Jesus is tangible and gives us four things to allow Him to be tangible in our lives.
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