We Give Ourselves Away. We give generously, investing our money, time, and resources, in the good works God has prepared and saved us for.

The mission of The Tabernacle is "Love God. Love People. Make Disciples."

With this mission in mind, the Outreach Ministries of The Tabernacle seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus locally, as well as globally, with strategic partnerships. These partnerships include Freedom Builders, The Food Pantry and Operation Christmas Child.

The vision of The Tabernacle is Changed Lives.

The Tabernacle is a group of imperfect people desiring to be changed by the love & grace of a perfect God. We gather on weekends to worship Jesus, then scatter to our communities as missionaries throughout the week.
God is using the Tabernacle to change lives, growing the church from less than 50 people to over 800. Although located in the barbarian wilderness of Northern Michigan, the Tabernacle has a God-sized vision to Change Lives.