John Vermilya // June 12, 2020 Without Christ we walk life’s journey as dead men, seeking only to fulfill our flesh. But the Gospel resurrects our walk, unleashing us to live differently as we believe and follow Jesus.
John Vermilya // June 5, 2020 Before receiving Christ we walk in the old way that leads to death. But the truth of the Gospel resurrects our minds, as we learn to “put on†Jesus and walk like him in the new way.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Responsibility
John Vermilya // May 29, 2020 God’s blessing, grace and power towards us demands a response. Christ took responsibility for our sin on the cross, and we are responsible to grow up in faith, and live worthy lives in response. Chapter 4 turns the corner from doctrine to application.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Limits
John Vermilya // May 22, 2020 God has no limits, and is able to do more than limited humans could ever ask or imagine. We tend to limit God with shallow prayers because we don’t grasp who God is and what He wants to do in us. In Christ, our limits are resurrected.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Story
John Vermilya // May 16, 2020 God has the power to resurrect any story, even the story of COVID-19. Suffering is given meaning and purpose when we work with God and give Him control of our stories, so He can resurrect them for His glory.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Tribe
John Vermilya // May 9, 2020 A sense of belonging is a primary human need and Jesus doesn’t leave us alone and isolated. Being “in Christ†means we are part of something greater than ourselves. Because of Jesus we now belong to a tribe called the church.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Purpose
John Vermilya // May 2, 2020 God has a purpose for every person. The astounding grace of God resurrects dead lives for good works, and makes Christianity unique and superior among all other religions. Sadly many Christians don’t understand grace, and waste time trying to earn God’s favor, instead of freely responding to what He’s…
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Perspective
John Vermilya // April 25, 2020 The power of Jesus’ Resurrection gives us a brand new perspective. What God says about us is the truth, regardless of how we see ourselves. When we we get to know Jesus personally and intimately, he gives us a resurrected perspective that transforms our everyday lives.
Read MoreRESURRECTION | My Identity
John Vermilya // April 18, 2020 In Christ, God has resurrected our identity and given us a new way to live. We no longer live with guilt, shame, fear, purposeless, hopeless and desperate for love and acceptance. Our identity is now His identity, because we have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and lavished with love.…
John Vermilya // April 11, 2020 Easter marks the date that Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in History. Over 2000 years later, the evidence is still beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not beyond any doubt, because God leaves room for Faith. What we believe is ultimately the most important…
Read MoreINVITE | They Invite
John Vermilya // April 4, 2020 God intends disciples to multiply disciples. After the triumphal entry Jesus preached a sermon on how a grain of wheat must die in order to multiply more fruit. Jesus’ mission of redemption multiplies exponentially when disciples, leaders, and churches reproduce themselves. Unfortunately most Christians and churches fail to multiply,…
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