SAMUEL | A Life Well Lived
Ben Brown // November 28, 2020 After a tremendous victory in Ch 11, the nation of Israel has confirmed and established Saul as their king, fulfilling their desire to be like the other nations around them. The annihilation of the Ammonites has the potential to affirm in the hearts of Israels’ people their demand of…
Read MoreSAMUEL | What’s Wrong?
John Vermilya // November 22, 2020 Circumstances can be so overwhelming to the point of wanting to give up or give in. So what are we to do with God who promises victory?
Read MoreSAMUEL | Give Us a King
John Vermilya // October 31, 2020 The desire to be like the world is as old as time. But God tells us we are strangers and aliens in this world, and to be conformed to his image instead, serving and worshipping him alone.
Read MoreSAMUEL | The Lord Thunders
John Vermilya // October 24, 2020 We can never experience victory and peace in life without God’s help. But God won’t share his glory with idols or tolerate our half-hearted worship either.
Read MoreSAMUEL | God’s Heavy Hand
John Vermilya // October 17, 2020 There is only one true God, and He will not share His glory with our idols. The Bible says it’s a terrible thing to fall into His hands, so how can anyone escape?
Read MoreSAMUEL | Misplaced Faith
Ben Brown // October 10, 2020 It is a desperate place to be when God departs from us. There are no shortcuts to how we approach Him. God is not an object to be used, but is a divine person to be loved.
Read MoreSAMUEL | Speak Lord
John Vermilya // October 3, 2020 When the Lord speaks and we respond, God fulfills his purposes in us and through us. Samuel’s calling by God is a template for how he still interacts with us today.
Read MoreSAMUEL | Worthless Sons
John Vermilya // September 26, 2020 The simple truth is that there are always consequences for sin.
Read MoreSAMUEL | The Last Judge
John Vermilya // September 19, 2020 Where is God when you’re hurting? Does he see your pain or hear your cries? Samuel opens with an incredibly personal scene of anguish, and a God who remembers his promises to his people.
Read MoreIt Needs To Be Said | We Are One Church
Tim Burgess // September 12, 2020 Do you ever get frustrated with the unfinished story? We are finishing this series by looking at our call as a church, as families, and as individuals to keep our eyes dialed in to Jesus. We’re looking at the story of the Prodigal Son to flip the story how…
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