SAMUEL: Lament
John Vermilya // June 20, 2021 God hates sin and death, and it is Biblical to grieve over both of them. But Jesus conquered both sin and death so we can have victory and enjoy eternal life.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Valiant Men
John Vermilya // June 13, 2021 The Bible teaches that death is not the end of existence. But many of us live like this life is all their is. How we choose to live, and who we choose to live for makes the difference in our eternal destiny.
Read MoreSAMUEL: End of the Line
Tim Burgess // June 6, 2021 God waits patiently for us to come to the end of ourselves. When we turn to God we find grace and power that can snatch victory from defeat.
Read MoreSAMUEL: A Way Out
John Vermilya // May 29, 2021 Our greatest battle is with our flesh, and the consequences of sin put us in bad situations. We are our own worst enemy and desperate for a Savior.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Desperate King
John Vermilya // May 23, 2021 If we harden our hearts and ignore God’s word, we cannot expect his help in desperate times. But if we seek God while he may be found, he always answers.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Breaking Bad
John Vermilya // May 15, 2021 We are saved by God’s grace through faith. But sometimes we allow fear to overcome our faith, causing us to sin against God. Our faith must be fixed on Jesus, the one true King, to overcome all our fears.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Circumstances vs. Conviction
Britton Bishop // May 8, 2021 As people invited to follow Jesus, we will find ourselves at crossroads of having to answer the call of living with what gets us through our circumstances or living by conviction to God’s call for our lives. Deja vu seems to happen and once again Saul’s life is in…
Read MoreSAMUEL: God Restrains
John Vermilya // May 1, 2021 Life is not a series of disconnected events. God is sovereign, and works everything together for the good of those who love Him according to His master plan.
Read Morerattle: The Army
John Vermilya // April 25, 2021 Ezekiel’s vision ends with God resurrecting a vast army from dry bones who stand together. But who is this army and what do they do?
Read Morerattle: The Crew
John Vermilya // April 18, 2021 Many Christians keep the church at arms-length, preferring isolation and self-sufficiency over true Biblical community. The result is spiritual dry bones in need of new life.
Read Morerattle – The Quiet
Tim Burgess // April 11, 2021 Being a Christian can be expressed as being as much like Jesus as possible. We are flawed and sinful and our attempts will at times be a pretty ugly picture of the true Christ. However we are awash in grace and and our goal is not perfection but progress.…
Read Morerattle: The Rattle
John Vermilya // April 4, 2021 Can dry bones live or the dead live again? Can defeat be turned to victory, or all the bad of my life somehow redeemed? The final answer lies in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
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