Son of God: Temptation of Religion
John Vermilya // January 2, 2022 Reducing faith in God to a religious transaction is a great temptation. The formula of religion says if I do A, God will do B, and misses the point that God desires a reciprocal relationship that transforms.
Read MoreSon of God: You Had One Job
John Vermilya // December 26, 2021 The key to a relationship with God and real spiritual growth is very simple but not easy. Our human tendency to complicate things because of our sinful nature gets in the way.
Read MoreSon of God: Christmas Eve 2021
John Vermilya // December 24, 2021 Mary is not in control of what’s happening. Though a child is a joy to a mother, this situation has a very real possibility of Mary being shamed, exiled and left helpless. The angel Gabriel gives Mary the news, and her response is exactly the type of faith we…
Read MoreSon of God: How Will This Be?
Tim Burgess // December 17, 2021 Mary is not in control of what’s happening. Though a child is a joy to a mother, this situation has a very real possibility of Mary being shamed, exiled and left helpless. The angel Gabriel gives Mary the news, and her response is exactly the type of faith we…
Read MoreSon of God: Jesus’ Mission
John Vermilya // December 12, 2021 Being lost in life is one of the worst feelings in the world. Being lost and not knowing you are lost is tragic. In Luke’s Gospel we see that the way home for the lost is only found in Jesus.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Epilogue
John Vermilya // December 5, 2021 David was a shepherd, soldier, musician, outlaw, king, and poet. He was also an adulterer, murderer, and not so good husband and father. How was he a man after God’s own heart?
Read MoreSAMUEL: Plague
John Vermilya // November 28, 2021 The result of faith in God is to trust Him. But when things are difficult, hard to understand, or out of our control, trusting God isn’t easy. The great danger of not trusting God is a spiritual plague that ravages lives.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Mighty Men
John Vermilya // November 21, 2021 Whenever God does a significant work in human history it’s through a band of totally committed people. But what does total commitment really look like?
Read MoreSAMUEL: This God
Tim Burgess // November 14, 2021 God is faithful and keeps His covenant with those who love Him. David earned nothing. In fact, his life was vastly affected by his sin and it’s consequences. His faith, in contrast, redeemed him.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Giant-Killers
John Vermilya // November 7, 2021 Supposedly we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, and we become just like those we follow. This means the most important decisions we make are who we will spend time with and who we will follow.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Humble Forgiveness
Tim Burgess // October 24, 2021 After the strife in Israel leading to the death of Absalom, civil war and the eventual return to Jerusalem of King David from exile we are at a crossroad. David’s choices can either bind the nation together in healing or a splintering will occur. David humbly chooses forgiveness for…
Read MoreSAMUEL: A Worthless Man
John Vermilya // October 31, 2021 The plot lines of old westerns pitted good guys in white hats versus bad guys in black hats. But Jesus said no one is good except God alone. So where does that leave us?
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