I AM | I Am Who I Am (Exodus 3:14)
John Vermilya // February 19, 2023 Skeptics argue that Jesus never claimed to be God. But the Gospel of John confirms that Jesus claimed to be the same “I Am†who first revealed His eternal name to Moses at the burning bush.
Read More1 Corinthians 16:12-24
John Vermilya // February 12, 2023 When we become lax in our beliefs and behavior, our lives and church can quickly drift towards chaos. A reminder of the basics of faithful Christian living can help us prevent that from happening.
Read More1 Corinthians 16:1-11
John Vermilya // February 5, 2023 The victory won by Jesus’ resurrection is generously shared with all believers. That victory dramatically changes how we participate in the practical relationship of community.
Read More1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Tim Burgess // January 29, 2023 In the Christian life, inheritance comes after death. Can we steadfastly believe this?
Read More1 Corinthians 15:12-34
John Vermilya // January 22, 2023 Some people believe that when we die our bodies and souls cease to exist. Others believe that just the soul somehow mystically lives on. But the Gospel teaches that both body and soul are resurrected because of Jesus.
Read More1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Britton Bishop // January 15, 2023 We do not gradate from the gospel. Through the gospel we enter the kingdom of God, our lives are changed, and we proclaim the power of the grace of God to the world around us.
Read More1 Corinthians 14:26-40
John Vermilya // January 8, 2023 The world apart from Christ is marked by chaos, confusion and unrest. But the promise of the Gospel is a regenerated heart, which enables a supernatural peace and order into our lives.
Read More1 Corinthians 14:1-25
John Vermilya // January 1, 2023 What we pursue in church gets sideways when we elevate personal or dramatic experience over the common good. The Bible calls us back to the real power and presence of God.
Read MoreChristmas 2022 | This Gift
John Vermilya  // December 25, 2022 Magi traveled far to worship Jesus and present Him gifts at His birth. But the reality is that Jesus’ journey to be with us, and to be the gift of God Himself, was much greater.
Read More1 Corinthians 12:12-30
John Vermilya // December 11, 2022 Living in community requires sacrifice, which highlights the appeal to live as a spiritual lone ranger instead. But Jesus calls us into a family and fellowship called the church.
Read More1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John Vermilya // December 4, 2022 The issue of spiritual gifts has caused much confusion, controversy and abuse. But when we understand the purpose and nature of these gifts, the cloudy becomes clear.
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