WATER WALKERS | Out of Control

John Vermilya // September 17, 2017 In the final message of the “Water Walkers” series, Pastor John shares tangible ways to step out in faith and calls us to push forward and get out of the boat, as well as laying out the next steps for The Tabernacle.  

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WATER WALKERS | Water Walkers

Mick Veach // September 10, 2017 In our second weekend of Water Walkers, our guest speaker Pastor Mick Veach shares on what it means to be a Water Walker in this hard hitting message.  

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WATER WALKERS | Into the Storm

John Vermilya // September 3, 2017 Pastor John kicks off a new series entitled, Water Walkers. Looking at the story of Jesus walking on water in the midst of the storms, and it’s application to us.  

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