TITUS | Church Harmony

John Vermilya // August 20, 2023 The things that churches find to fight and divide about are legendary. But God calls churches to unity and harmony, which is only possible by re-focusing on what we’re for instead of what we’re against.

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TITUS | Changed Lives

Isaac Riddle // August 13, 2023 Everyone who truly encounters Jesus experiences real and transformational life change. Have you?

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TITUS | Blessed Hope

John Vermilya // July 30, 2023 The Grace of God is the most powerful force for transformation in the universe. Understanding what God has truly done for us in salvation becomes our daily motivation and our hope to persevere.

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TITUS | The Gospel In My Work

Martin Rizzi // July 23, 2023 Jesus came, not to be served, but to serve.  When we humble ourselves to be a slave, He calls us friend and the world sees something worth sharing.

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TITUS | Multi-Generational Ministry

Tim Burgess // July 16, 2023 On the heels of instructing Titus to arm his congregation, and to rebuke the false teachers himself, Paul issues Titus a direct command. He uses the phrase ‘but as for you’.

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TITUS | Signs and Symptoms

Britton Bishop // July 9, 2023 When we think of false teachers, we tend to think of crazy, religious cult leaders wearing purple Nike’s and drinking cyanide-laced Kool-aide. But false teaching permeates our culture. It’s in churches and our homes. It’s on YouTube, Facebook and TikTok. We cannot escape it. We can only prepare ourselves…

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TITUS | Above Reproach

John Vermilya // July 2, 2023 The world judges good leaders based on their talent, personality, and organizational skills. But the Bible has a different set of qualifications, which must be demonstrated in public and in private life.

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TITUS | For The Faith

John Vermilya // June 25 2023 Everyone lives in spiritual darkness unless we receive the light of Jesus’ Gospel by faith. The challenge then becomes to walk in the light of the knowledge of the Gospel on a daily basis.

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