The Gospel of Mark | Preach Everywhere

John Vermilya // April 28, 2019 In our concluding message for The Gospel of Mark, we are encouraged to go and preach the word. It’s Jesus instruction for us and we have His Holy Spirit living with us. We only must go and share with those around us.  

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The Gospel of Mark | Resurrection

John Vermilya // April 21, 2019 Jesus is alive. If we seek Him we will find Him. He is able to roll away any stone. And we can trust Him to go before us.  

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The Gospel of Mark | Trial

Martin Rizzi // April 14, 2019 In this message from The Gospel of Mark, we take a look at the two trials Jesus goes through before His walk to the cross. Jesus is God and King. Now matter how bad things get, God is still in control. We owe Jesus our total worship and obedience.…

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The Gospel of Mark | Failure

Tim Burgess // April 7, 2019 Jesus understands our spirits are willing but our flesh is weak. Jesus is patient, merciful, kind, forgiving, and doesn’t discard us. If Jesus is that way with us, should we not also be that way with one another?  

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The Gospel of Mark | The Last Supper

John Vermilya // March 31, 2019 Jesus institutes a new covenant, God’s new arrangement for mankind, and all who believe will receive forgiveness of sins, relationship with God, and all the spiritual blessings that go along with it. There’s also a warning in the story of Judas who had been up close with Jesus, experienced…

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The Gospel of Mark | Costly Worship

Tim Burgess // March 24, 2019 We all worship something. In this passage we see two different people worshipping two different things. One worshipped their own status and greed, and the other worshipped Jesus. Which one do you choose? Worship is ascribing worth to God, and costly worship blesses the heart of God. Is your…

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The Gospel of Mark | Life in the Vineyard

John Vermilya // March 10, 2019 Chapter 12 begins with Jesus antagonizing the religious leaders with the parable of the rich land owner and the tenants who kill his son. The religious are angered because they know Jesus is aiming the parable at them. What follows in the chapter are 5 distinct but connected teachings…

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The Gospel of Mark | Jesus is Lord

John Vermilya // March 3, 2019 In this passage, Jesus demonstrates his lordship over nature and fruitfulness with the fig tree, over worship in the temple, and over everything in his teaching on prayer. The question for us is whether or not we will submit to Jesus’ lordship.  

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