SPIRIT | Dangerous Spirits
John Vermilya // June 9, 2019 God is spirit and the Holy Spirit inkwells every believer. But there are also dangerous spirits in the world that can infiltrate the church and infect believers to get us off mission.
Read MoreSPIRIT | Walk by the Spirit
Ben Brown // June 2, 2019 Walking by the Spirit is like a dance. The lead provides the picture frame for the dance, while the follow provides the image within the frame creating within borders. Following the Spirit’s rhythm, pace, and timing leads to an unimpeded dance.
Read MoreSPIRIT | Gifts of the Spirit
John Vermilya // May 26, 2019 The Bible teaches that every believer has been given at least one spiritual gift. These gifts are God-given abilities, super-powers if you will, to help the church. They are meant to be used in humility to serve others and glorify God. All of us need to find our gift…
Read MoreSPIRIT | What the Spirit Does
John Vermilya // May 19, 2019 The presence of the Holy Spirit is as great a gift to us as the gift of Jesus. The Spirit has many functions, roles, and activities. In this message, we look at what the Spirit does generally to the world, particularly in the Church, and specifically in the Believer.…
Read MoreSPIRIT | Receiving the Spirit
John Vermilya // May 11, 2019 Many Christians and churches balk at talking about the Spirit because of the divine mystery that is the Trinity which is hard to comprehend. It is also because so much false teaching has gotten in the way. This message will unpack several key Bible passages on the receiving and…
Read MoreSPIRIT | The Promise Fulfilled
Tim Burgess // May 5, 2019 In this new series, we take a look at the Spirit of God. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives inside all who believe. This sermon introduces the rest of the series that will explore how we receive the Spirit, what the Spirit does, gifts of…
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