SAMUEL: Outlaw Kings
Seth Bush  // February 28, 2021 outlaw kings.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Steadfast Love
John Vermilya  // February 21, 2021 Actions in this life echo in eternity, and there is only a sliver between us and death. Ultimately, all that matters is where our supreme allegiance lies, and how we’ve responded to the love of God.
Read MoreSAMUEL: War Again
John Vermilya  // February 14, 2021 Life is a battle whether you are a Christian or not, with people and things battling for supremacy in our hearts. The only question is who or what will win the war for the throne?
Read MoreSAMUEL: True Friendship
Britton Bishop  // February 7, 2021 The dust has settled from the David and Goliath showdown, and we begin to see allegiances shift in Israel. They begin celebrating their new champion, and Saul isn’t happy about it.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Giant-Killer
John Vermilya  // January 31, 2021 Giant-Killer (1Samuel 17) The story of an unlikely champion facing a giant enemy is the most famous duel in History. It’s not a myth or child’s fable, it’s fact. But who was the real hero?
Read MoreSAMUEL: The Shepherd-King
John Vermilya  // January 24, 2021 God frequently chooses the most unlikely people to do his work. This is because the Lord sees differently than man, which is evidenced in the anointing of the future king, David.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Half Measures
Tim Burgess  // January 17, 2021 Obeying God is for His glory and our good. But many of us are only willing to obey on our terms, choosing to obey the commands we like and ignoring those we don’t.
Read MoreSAMUEL: Pick a Fight
John Vermilya  // January 10, 2021 Trusting God seems like a risky proposition. It seems better to only trust yourself and what you can control. But scripture teaches that is not what faith looks like.
Read MoreSAMUEL: The Easy Way
John Vermilya  // January 3, 2021 Trusting God might sounds simple but it is not easy. Saul foolishly chose to trust his own understanding, disobeyed God, and started down the easier way of destruction.
Read MoreSAMUEL | A Life Well Lived
Ben Brown // November 28, 2020 After a tremendous victory in Ch 11, the nation of Israel has confirmed and established Saul as their king, fulfilling their desire to be like the other nations around them. The annihilation of the Ammonites has the potential to affirm in the hearts of Israels’ people their demand of…
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