Ben Brown // July 18, 2020 In the last of our series on Resurrection, Ben takes us through the final four verses of Ephesians and encourages to receive the hope, and then share the hope.  

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John Vermilya // July 11, 2020 All of life is a fight. The war began in the Garden and mankind has had to battle ever since. We have to fight to live, make a living, stay healthy, keep a marriage, protect and raise a family. We fight to make it at home, in school, in…

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John Vermilya // July 3, 2020 The Resurrection of Jesus makes Christians live differently towards one another. Paul continues the theme of submission in the examples of the home and workplace. Children are exhorted to submit to parents in obedience and honor, and fathers submit to God by not provoking their children and training them…

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RESURRECTION | My Marriage Part 2

Tim Burgess // June 27, 2020 Easter marks the date that Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in History. Over 2000 years later, the evidence is still beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not beyond any doubt, because God leaves room for Faith. What we believe is ultimately the most important…

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Tim Burgess // June 19, 2020 God resurrects our marriage. The word submission is not popular in our culture, but when we look at Christ as our example, it is a beautiful process.  

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John Vermilya // June 12, 2020 Without Christ we walk life’s journey as dead men, seeking only to fulfill our flesh. But the Gospel resurrects our walk, unleashing us to live differently as we believe and follow Jesus.  

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John Vermilya // June 5, 2020 Before receiving Christ we walk in the old way that leads to death. But the truth of the Gospel resurrects our minds, as we learn to “put on” Jesus and walk like him in the new way.  

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RESURRECTION | My Responsibility

John Vermilya // May 29, 2020 God’s blessing, grace and power towards us demands a response. Christ took responsibility for our sin on the cross, and we are responsible to grow up in faith, and live worthy lives in response. Chapter 4 turns the corner from doctrine to application.  

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John Vermilya // May 22, 2020 God has no limits, and is able to do more than limited humans could ever ask or imagine. We tend to limit God with shallow prayers because we don’t grasp who God is and what He wants to do in us. In Christ, our limits are resurrected.  

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John Vermilya // May 16, 2020 God has the power to resurrect any story, even the story of COVID-19. Suffering is given meaning and purpose when we work with God and give Him control of our stories, so He can resurrect them for His glory.  

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