PERSONAL JESUS | Empowered by Jesus

John Vermilya // April 30, 2017 Pastor John concludes our Personal Jesus series with the final message, Empowered By Jesus. The same power that raised Him from the dead is the same power that lives within those who have Christ.  

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PERSONAL JESUS | Taught by Jesus

John Vermilya // April 23, 2017 Pastor John continues our Personal Jesus with Taught By Jesus. We are all continually being taught by Jesus on a daily basis if we have allow Him to work in us.  

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John Vermilya // April 16, 2017 In our Easter Message, Pastor John shares that Jesus is tangible and gives us four things to allow Him to be tangible in our lives.  

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John Vermilya // April 16, 2017 In our Good Friday service, we are reminded by Pastor John that we are loved by Jesus, and we are to love like Jesus.  

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John Vermilya // April 9, 2017 In our kickoff of the new series, “Personal Jesus”, Pastor John explores the idea of our personal Jesus, and that we are all in need of saving. Jesus is the only one who fills that void, that forever empty.  

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