JUDGES | True Repentance
Ben Brown // November 30, 2019 The nation of Israel realizes they have sinned against God personally, and submits to the Lords authority and takes action. Like Israel, we drift back to our idols God has offered to rescue us from. True repentance is experienced when we batt’e against our sin as a community of…
Read MoreJUDGES | Civil War
John Vermilya // November 23, 2019 After Gideons death, the people forget him and God. Gideon’s son Abimilech emerges as an anti-Judge who grasps for power. The story shows blatant rebellion against God. The chapter illustrates what happens when individually and corporately we don’t live life on God’s terms. Living my life God’s way is…
Read MoreJUDGES | Gideon Loses Focus
John Vermilya // November 19, 2019 In chapter 8 we see the culmination of Gideon’s success in battle over the Midianites, resulting in a forty-year peace for Israel. However the price of Gideon’s success is that he forgets God’s grace and loses his focus. The lessons of Gideon’s sad ending are warnings for us. He…
Read MoreJUDGES | Gideon’s 300
John Vermilya // November 9, 2019 In part II of Gideon’s story, we see a great victory won by God through Gideon against impossible odds. We can be certain God speaks in ways we can understand, and saves us by grace as we walk in faith.
Read MoreJUDGES | Gideon’s Call
John Vermilya // November 2, 2019 One man who was called, who repented, worshipped, obeyed, and was used mightily by God. The message focuses on 3 Gospel phrases that saturate the Bible from Genesis to Jesus. And it reminds us that God is calling each of us to be that one.
Read MoreJUDGES | Power in Weakness
John Vermilya // October 26, 2019 This story is a powerful example of God’s power being perfected in weakness. This story contains powerful truths about God and about how he works in us as we fight our battles.
Read MoreJUDGES | Spiritual Forgetfulness
Ben Brown // October 19, 2019 When we settle we’ll always find distractions ore excuses, but when we hold the promises of God before us and make our hearts available to him, God will always use what we have.
Read MoreJUDGES | Idolatry
John Vermilya // October 12, 2019 God will not compete with our idols, and idols can never compete with God. Our only hope is to forsake our idols for the one true God, by worshiping and serving Jesus, the one true hero.
Read MoreJUDGES | Half-hearted Faith
John Vermilya // October 5, 2019 This weekend we are reminded that the faith that God blesses is whole-hearted and courageous. God fights for us, will we fight for God?
Read MoreJUDGES | God Fights for You
John Vermilya // September 28, 2019 This story illustrates how God repays sin, evil and wickedness. Our 21st century sensibilities are shocked at what’s done to the Canaanite King, but surprisingly Adoni-Bezek is not. The evil King understands that God has repaid his sin and that he deserves the judgment. This tension between God always…
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