It Needs To Be Said | We Are One Church

Tim Burgess // September 12, 2020 Do you ever get frustrated with the unfinished story? We are finishing this series by looking at our call as a church, as families, and as individuals to keep our eyes dialed in to Jesus. We’re looking at the story of the Prodigal Son to flip the story how…

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It Needs To Be Said | God Uses the Foolish

John Vermilya // September 5, 2020 Headlines describe a “country in limbo,” but is this also true of the church? Could it be that we are neglecting God’s mission by waiting for things to return to normal?  

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It Needs To Be Said | We Are Living in the End Times

John Vermilya // August 29, 2020 Are we living in the end times? When will Jesus return? What are the signs of the end of the world, and what will it be like? Jesus spoke clearly to these questions and reminds us that God is in control even in the chaos.  

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It Needs To Be Said | Progress Isn’t Perfect

John Vermilya // August 15, 2020 We live in a world that demands instant-gratification. Whatever results we want we “gotta have right now.” But God’s ways are not our ways, and the journey of the Christian life cannot be rushed.  

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It Needs To Be Said | Scripture Matters

John Vermilya // August 8, 2020 Culture increasingly believes that truth is relative and “everyone is entitled to their opinion.” Although this may be true for personal preferences, it cannot be true for truth-claims about God, faith and moral standards. What the Bible says matters more than my opinion.  

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It Needs To Be Said | God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle

John Vermilya // July 25, 2020 Jesus promised that life would bring troubles. Sometimes the pain and stress of those troubles are so overwhelming that they lead us to believe silly things like, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But that is wrong, dead wrong.  

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