INVITE | They Invite

John Vermilya // April 4, 2020 God intends disciples to multiply disciples. After the triumphal entry Jesus preached a sermon on how a grain of wheat must die in order to multiply more fruit. Jesus’ mission of redemption multiplies exponentially when disciples, leaders, and churches reproduce themselves. Unfortunately most Christians and churches fail to multiply,…

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INVITE | We Invite

John Vermilya // March 28, 2020 God invites people into relationship and transforms them with his love. Transformed people invite others to meet God, and when these people band together they form a church – and that’s when real momentum is developed. When everyone takes responsibility for that kind of culture, we build momentum and…

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INVITE | You Invite

John Vermilya // March 22, 2020 God invites so you invite. God invites all of us into relationship because He loves us. Last week we looked at the wheel of discipleship: Seekers – Believers – Followers – Laborers. Part of God’s invitation is to become his invitation. 2nd Corinthians 5 gives us a picture of…

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INVITE | God Invites

John Williams // March 14, 2020 The great story of the Gospel is that God invites all people into relationship with Him through faith, and deeper in relationship through obedience. The main point of the message is for people to see clearly where they are on the path, and to accept God’s invitation to make…

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