1 Kings | There’s Still Hope

Adam Sharp // February 25, 2024 Living in a broken and sinful world, we can find ourselves feeling hopeless, searching for answers. The Bible teaches us that there is one place to find hope: Jesus.

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1 Kings | Consequences Of Sin

John Vermilya // February 18, 2024 Choices always have consequences, and when we choose to sin the consequences are always painful. The Bible teaches there is only one choice that can save us from the pain of our sin.

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1 Kings | Solomon’s Sin

John Vermilya // February 11, 2024 Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, but even a wise man can choose to ignore wisdom. The temptations of money, sex, and power proved too strong for Solomon, and he ended up the wisest fool who ever lived.

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1 Kings | All That Glitters

John Vermilya // February 4, 2024 All that glitters was actually gold in Solomon’s kingdom. But all the wealth, splendor, and glory of Israel’s golden age was only a shadow of a greater future kingdom. One that will never end.

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1 Kings | Let Us Pray

John Vermilya // January 14, 2024 Prayer can be difficult. Knowing what to pray, how to pray, and believing that God will answer can be daunting. But prayer is also so easy that a child can do it. Maybe having faith like a child is the key.

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1 Kings | Royal Blessing

John Vermilya // January 7, 2024 God is far above and beyond the reach and understanding of man. But he is also nearer, closer and more intimate than we can imagine. This divine mystery was manifested perfectly in Jesus Christ.

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Christmas 2023 | The Gift Unwrapped

John Vermilya // December 31, 2023 There is a straight line from Isaiah’s prophecy to God’s gift of Jesus’ incarnation. His mission was to go to the cross, satisfying God’s justice and giving us a new relationship of love that never ends.

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Christmas 2023 | The Gift Arrives

John Vermilya // December 24, 2023 God had promised the gift of a savior for 4000 years before he finally arrived. The Messiah’s birth was in somewhat scandalous circumstances by the world’s standards, but His mission was to set every scandal right.

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