1 Kings | God’s Jealousy

Tim Burgess // April 28, 2024 Our earthy vision of jealousy almost always involves sin and thus the main teaching point. How can God be jealous? What is Holy Jealousy? What does it mean for us? Let’s dive in.

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1 Kings | Nothing Hidden

John Vermilya // April 21, 2024 The nature of sin drives us to hide ourselves in shame from God and one another. But the antidote for sin and shame is relationship with God and community with one another. Jesus came promising life and truth that will set us free.

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1 Kings | The Lion And The Donkey

John Vermilya // April 14, 2024 People often treat God and His Word as a nice addition to life and not the centerpiece of existence. But God is not a side-dish off the menu, and He demands and deserves our whole life in worship.

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King Of Kings | Ascended

Adam Ray // April 7, 2024 The ascension of Christ made it very clear that the earthly ministry of Christ was not completed‚ until He was seated at the right hand of the throne of the Father. His presence with the Father does not mean he is no longer with us. The promise of the…

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King Of Kings | Risen

John Vermilya // March 31, 2024 The Resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in human history. It vindicated His claims to be God, it sealed his victory over sin and death, and declared him King of kings.

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King Of Kings | Triumphant

Tim Burgess // March 24, 2024 Jesus does the unusual again. His triumphant entry is one of peace riding a donkey, not war astride a mighty steed. 

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King Of Kings | Anointed

John Vermilya // March 17, 2024 Jesus Christ is the King of kings, the Anointed One, and He reigns supreme over all the universe. More than just a theological truth, Jesus’ anointing has powerful implications for all believers.

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1 Kings | Terrifying Trust

Adam Ray // March 10, 2024 We learn quickly that when trusting God seems terrifying we need to relinquish control and choose to be faithful to God’s Promises.  Our faithfulness determines whether our trust is terrifying or glorifying!

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1 Kings | Serve Or Be Served

John Vermilya // March 3, 2024 The world teaches that there are two types of people: those who use other people and those who get used.  But God is not a pimp and Jesus teaches us not to live by that kind of “pimpology.”

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