Son of God: Crucible

John Vermilya // April 10, 2022 Jesus was despised, rejected and abused by those he came to save. He willingly took upon himself the punishment they deserved, and then faced the crucible of suffering alone.

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Son of God: Luke 22 – Stay

John Vermilya // April 3, 2022 The difficulty of being imperfect people in an imperfect world pressures us to give up or give in. Jesus agreed that life is hard, but encouraged us with the fact that he has overcome the world.

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Son of God: What Ready Looks Like

John Vermilya // March 20, 2022 Packing up, closing accounts and staring skyward is not how to prepare for Jesus’ return. What preparing yourself does look like was explained in the second half of Jesus’ sermon.

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Son of God: Short-Sighted Christianity

Britton Bishop // February 13, 2022 Too often we as Christians find ourselves being short-sighted. We focus on the immediate and lack an eternal perspective. We allow fear and anxiety to drive our lives, when Christ is calling us to a fuller life.

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Son of God: Good Fruit

Tim Burgess // January 16, 2022 Jesus addresses three very personal issues that are often at the heart of our sin and frustration and gives instruction on how we can begin and sustain change in our daily lives. The three issues are love, judging others, and fruit (or deeds). His solution is to listen AND do,…

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