1 Corinthians 4:1-13

Tim Burgess // August 21, 2022 Paul uses his linguistic skills in this section of Corinthians to convey two important thoughts to the church in order to combat division and a seemingly pervasive lack of maturity, both spiritually and morally.

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1 Corinthians 3:10-23

Tim Burgess // August 14, 2022 The church ‘body as a temple’ has led to all sorts of misunderstandings and disunity among the Church both as license and leash. We will examine both and hopefully see clearly Paul’s message.

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1 Corinthians 3:1-9

John Vermilya // August 7, 2022 The desire to grow is hard-wired into human beings. This is the main reason for the $11 billion self-help industry. But spiritual growth cannot be self-manufactured, it can only come from a source outside of us.

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1 Corinthians 2:6-16

John Vermilya // July 31, 2022 Knowledge and wisdom are connected but not they are not the same. In a world where it’s so hard to decipher between truth and error, where do we go for wisdom and how do we access it?

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1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – Be United

John Vermilya // July 17, 2022 Unity within the church is essential, but somehow Christians find ways to fracture and divide into factions. The Bible shows us the way to unity within the church that Jesus prayed for.

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1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Ben Brown // July 10, 2022 Let us ask the question of ourselves in regards to our personal walk with Christ, “Who is influencing who?”

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Blood, Sweat & Tears: Week 8

John Vermilya // July 3, 2022 The Bible teaches that we have a real enemy that seeks to discourage, distract, and destroy. Most Christians are completely defenseless with no idea how to fight back.

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Blood, Sweat & Tears: Week 7

John Vermilya // June 26, 2022 Part of following Jesus means learning to handle conflict with other Christians well. Jesus told us how to handle it, but we tend to suffer by doing our thing instead.

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