REVELATION | Invitation
Tim Burgess // March 23, 2025 This is the end. The end of the book of Revelation. The end of the the written Word. The end of all history. However, there is an afterword that promises to be even greater than the Book just finished.
REVELATION | The New Jerusalem
John Vermilya // March 16, 2025 Life’s “heaven-on-earth” moments always seem just out of reach. But they do point to a transcendent reality, that this world is not our home and they cannot compare with what God has in store for those who love Jesus.
Tim Burgess // March 9, 2025 “Aim at Heaven and you will get earth ‘thrown in:’ aim at earth and you will get neither.” -C.S. Lewis The Bible gives us all we need and sometimes I think all we can handle. Our earthly picture of Heaven is incredibly limited and yet what is revealed to…
REVELATION | The Great White Throne
Adam Ray // March 2, 2025 The final judgment of all unbelievers is before God’s great white throne. God will bring justice to the wicked, those who die without faith in Christ. Although a solemn passage, it is also filled with hope for the believer!
REVELATION | The Millennium
John Vermilya // February 23, 2025 Jesus will establish a thousand year kingdom with His saints after His second coming. Satan will be bound, the earth will be filled with peace and joy, and then Christ will finally and forever judge Satan and his followers for their sinful rebellion.
REVELATION | Return Of The King
John Vermilya // February 16, 2025 The second coming of Jesus Christ is the hope of all believers, and it will be the greatest event in history. At His first coming Jesus was the suffering-servant Messiah. But at His second coming, the King of Kings will bring the fury of God’s wrath.
REVELATION | The Sound Of Heaven
Martin Rizzi // February 9, 2025 Revelation 19 begins with the celebration of God’s righteous judgment. For many of us, it is difficult to reconcile the celebration of judgement because we connect it to people, but God’s judgment of sin is just and our perspective of justice is flawed. It is only with a right…
REVELATION | The Fall Of Babylon
John Vermilya // February 2, 2025 The world seduces people into chasing money, sex, and power to satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. But the Bible teaches these can never really satisfy and will all pass away with the world. We need something lasting and better.
REVELATION | The Whore Of Babylon
John Vermilya // January 26, 2025 Revelation has been called a “tale of two cities,” Babylon and Jerusalem. Babylon represents the sinful world that chases money, sex and power, and will be destroyed. But the New Jerusalem is promised to those who are faithful to Jesus Christ.
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of the American Dream.